E16741 - Please take what you need.

E16741 - Please take what you need.

E16741 - Please take what you need.

E16741 is a hex code for a shade of orange, represents excitement, creativity and warmth. I created a series of tear-off flyers and stuck them around the city, in places where many other flyers are posted. These flyers are designed to spread positivity - for example, including Spotify codes for different songs or short motivational quotes to cheer people up.

E16741 is a hex code for a shade of orange, represents excitement, creativity and warmth. I created a series of tear-off flyers and stuck them around the city, in places where many other flyers are posted. These flyers are designed to spread positivity - for example, including Spotify codes for different songs or short motivational quotes to cheer people up.

E16741 is a hex code for a shade of orange, represents excitement, creativity and warmth. I created a series of tear-off flyers and stuck them around the city, in places where many other flyers are posted. These flyers are designed to spread positivity - for example, including Spotify codes for different songs or short motivational quotes to cheer people up.